Our seed is harvested fresh from our flower farm and hand selected from the healthiest plants and best examples of their type. This is a process we have been practising for many years to refine the colours and forms that we like to grow to create our ‘cultivated palette’. This year we only have our own seed for sale and have put together ten of our favourites into a collection, have a look at it here.
This range is the culmination of nearly 20 years of growing and arranging flowers for a living. These tried and tested varieties have been chosen for their ‘growability’, floral design attributes and because we think they are the most gorgeous!
We have given some useful practical info about each flower:
Site: this describes the ideal growing conditions or the best chance of premium cut flowers
Height: eventual height, with adequate irrigation and staking
Spacing: in many cases spacing is tight, this is common practise on our farm to suppress weeds, encourage stem length and get as much flower in a squared metre as possible.
Sown to Grown: it is always helpful to know how long you have to wait till you can start picking, especially when it comes to cropping plans.
Min. seeds per packet: quantities of seed are based on how many plants you need to get a reasonable amount to pick without one variety taking up your entire growing space.
Growing tips: all of our seeds are tried and tested varieties with sowing and growing tips that apply to real life trial and error.
Harvesting/Arranging tips: all of our flowers are picked and used for arranging in our shop and event work. They have been put through their paces as ‘working cut flowers’.
Vase life: based on bringing flowers into our home.