Growing Ranunculus


Sorry but all out of stock now for 2020, apologies if you were not able to place an order – we got a bit inundated!

We have been growing these varieties of Ranunculus for 12 years now and I can honestly say they are the most exquisite I have ever seen. They are from a special supplier in France and are aimed at the professional flower grower which means the best quality flowers for cutting, but you do not need to be a flower farmer to grow them well. I prefer them to other offerings because their blousey, rose-like blooms are not too uniform and so work well in natural-style arrangements. Their colours are tonal with many shades in all those layers of petals and each plant seems to provide unique blooms. They come on strong stems without the weak neck issue that many Ranunculus suffer from and will flower for up to six weeks producing stem after stem during the months of April and May. They can be saved and divided for even more the following year.

I like to grow them in a tunnel but I also have a bed outdoors to stagger the flowering. A raised bed in a sheltered position works best, they like a moist soil that is well drained, a bit of grit under each claw helps. A cloche is a good idea if it is going to get very cold or wet. The most important bit of advice is keep the mice off otherwise they will become expensive mouse food!

Now is the time to plant them so as soon as they arrive give them a soak overnight, get yourself some fine vermiculite and follow my Instagram stories to see what happens next. Or look at an old blog of ours here.

Colours available: Cream, Pastel mix, Gold, Cappucino, Chocolate, Orange, White, Lavender, Violet and Carmine.