Silene vulgaris ‘Blushing Lanterns’


Silene vulgaris ‘ Blushing Lanterns’

A wonderful find from Floret which proved to be a versatile filler for bouquet work this year. This native wildflower has delicate grey-green stems which are topped with pale green balloon-like pods with a flush of blush. As the pods mature they are ringed with snow white petals. They are extremely productive flowering from June through till September if you keep up the picking. Definitely one for wedding work.

Plant type: perennial 

Site: full sun

Height: 60cm

Plant spacing: 30cm

Sown to grown: 20 weeks

Approx seeds per packet: 200 seeds

Growing tips: start seeds early indoors on bottom heat and plant out transplants when large enough. Plants can be divided the following Spring.

Harvesting/Arranging tips: cut at any stage from pod to full flower.

Vase life: 7-10 days

Cost: £3.00

83 in stock