Sanguisorba officinalis


Sanguisorba officinalis – Burnet, Great Burnet

This is an addictive cut flower, once you start using it in arrangements it is hard to stop! The tall elegant stems are topped with burgundy coloured bobbles which dance around creating airy accents wherever they are placed. Thankfully it is easy to grow from seed and happy to grow in most situations as long as it has a moist soil.

Plant type: perennial

Site: full sun or partial shade

Height: 150cm

Plant Spacing: 45cm

Sown to Grown: will flower in it’s 2nd year from an early spring sowing

Min. seeds per packet: 50 seeds

Growing tips: once the clump is established it will divide very happily in the Spring or Autumn.

Harvesting/Arranging tips: Ensure the stems are ripe before picking or the bobbles will droop. I love pairing it with other prairie-style plants and as a perky lift to heavier blousey blooms such as roses and dahlias.

Vase life: 7 days

Cost: £2.50

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