Lunaria annua ‘Corfu Blue’ – Honesty


Lunaria annua ‘Corfu Blue’ – Honesty

The first biennial to flower in April, perfectly timed for the tulips.  This variety has violet blue, papery flowers that are followed by attractive purple-tinged seed pods; the foliage is also purple-flushed. Can survive as a perennial or be more long-lasting than the type species. The seedheads make wonderful dried flowers too.

Plant type: biennial/ short-lived perennial

Site: partial shade, moist but well drained soil

Height: 80cm

Plant spacing: 25cm

Sown to grown: 9 months

Min. seeds per packet: 25 seeds

Growing tips: I find the seeds germinate more readily in a nursery bed, sown in June and transplanted to their final planting position in September.

Harvesting/Arranging tip: can be cut at three stages, one for the flowers in April, two for the fresh seedheads to use as a filler in June or three in August to dry the seedheads for winter decoration.

Vase life: 7 days for the flowers

Cost: £2.50

78 in stock