Linum usitatissimum – Bubble Flax


Linum usitatissimum – ‘Sussex Flax’

A tall floriferous variety of flax, covered in clear blue flowers which are pretty but short-lived. The magic happens when the petals drop and reveal a mass of green, spherical seed heads. On their slender, wiry stems they are a wonderful dancing addition to arrangements. Of course if you can refrain from picking it all for arranging the seed is a tasty, healthy addition to porridge and flapjacks.

Plant type: hardy annual

Site: full sun

Height: 100cm

Sown to grown: 8 weeks

Min. seeds per packet: 200 seeds

Growing tips: Sow direct or multi sow in modules.

Harvesting/Arranging tips: Harvest once the petals have dropped and use as a textural filler. It also dries beautifully.

Vase life: 10 days

Price: £3.00

57 in stock