
It’s exciting times at Green & Gorgeous: our Oxfordshire flower fields are finally opening to florist orders. Today, with 3 acres in cut flower production and 16 years of growing and floristry experience, we are ready. Our business is making the switch away from full-service weddings and welcoming orders from professional florists.

We specialise in growing flowers and foliage with nuanced colours, characterful forms and fragrance – materials that will create a difference in your floral designs. From April through till October our aim is to provide consistently high quality stems, picked and conditioned and at a stage of harvest that will work for your needs. You will recieve a weekly flower farm update and availability list every Monday morning so that you can plan for the week ahead. Your orders will be picked, conditioned and ready for you to collect from our farm near Wallingford, from Wednesday to Friday.

Our team looks forward to working with you and can guarantee that you will never be able to look at imported flowers in the same way again…

To find out more about how our service works please download the brochure.

The first step is to register your interest by filling out the form below.


Flowers for Florists

Registration form
