Author Archive | greenandgorgeous

In the Best 50 Florists!

We all had a spring in our step this week after being listed in The Independent's 'Best 50 Florists'. We could not resist a link to the article on the homepage. It feels like quite an achievement after only three years in business and a validation that there is a growing movement towards using British grown, seasonal flowers.

I seem to be busier than ever, juggling course, wedding and mail order enquiries alongside all the jobs in the cutting garden.

 So I have just pricked out the first batch of stock seed, as you can see you have to look pretty closely to see the difference between the ones you want and those destined for the compost heap. As soon as they were in their plug trays I sowed another batch, successional sowing is key to keeping up a steady supply of gorgeousness!


I had an extra large order of dahlia tubers arrive from Holland last week and immediately set about potting some of them up for propagation. I have put them on a heat mat in our new prop room (a converted stable) which will probably be dedicated solely to raising dahlia plants to sell and grow on to replace all the ones I optimistically left in the ground last autumn. I have ordered a high proportion of the Karma dahlia range this year, these were bred by the Dutch specifically for cut flower use. They are water lily shaped, with lovely long stems and an excellent vase life. Anyway, hopefully my potted tubers will be shooting in about a month and I can take about three basal cuttings from each, any more can exhaust the tuber as well as me the propagator!

GreenandgorgeousSG (43) 

I picked my first bunch of anemones from the polytunnel yesterday, what a joy. They will be coming thick and fast soon, hopefully in time for Mothers Day.



Ready, steady, grow

Okay, it is a little early, wishful thinking…. I have started sowing though. This week the first batch of stocks, I use the Lucinda series from Moles seeds. They are a bit of faff, once they have germinated in the heated propagator they need to grow on at a cooler temperature until one can distinguish the light green seedlings from the dark green ones. It's the light ones your after, they are the double flowered plants. All of this carry on and you only get one flower per plant! But I love the scent, nostalgic value and they come into flower when there is a slight lull at the end of May which is always a busy wedding time. 


I have also sown more sweet peas, this time a range of 'Modern Grandifloras', these combine the large flower and stem length of the Spencer types with the knockout scent of the 'Matucana'.  I don't usually do a spring sowing of sweet peas, I am a big believer in the first week of November sowing for strong, stocky plants. But I am looking for some succession this year, after all they are my best seller. I am going to run a sweet pea masterclass as one of the courses this year for anyone who wants to hone their sweet pea growing skills check it out the courses page.

Other jobs which have kept me running around this month have been mulching, good for working off those extra Christmas kilos! I use well rotted horse manure and green waste from the council, an excellant sterile weed suppressor. I have also been busy with hazel, building wigwams and arches for clematis, roses and sweet peas. I use tarred jute string to hold them together and they usually last two years before they become too brittle. One of the hedge lines is a hazel coppice which is rather handy.